2023 TRIM Notices
The Broward County Property Appraiser’s Office mails the TRIM (proposed tax) Notices in August of each year. This is NOT a tax bill but shows your property’s 2023 Just/Market Value, exemptions, and proposed taxes as set by the various taxing authorities. The TRIM Notice is your opportunity to review your 2023 Just Value and ensure you are receiving all the tax-saving exemptions you are eligible for.
Florida Statutes require our office use January 1 as the date of assessment each year. The 2023 Just Values are based on the market data from 2022 with January 1, 2023, as the date of assessment. Our office must consider changes in market conditions – up or down – when developing the Just/Market Values each year.
The Property Appraiser’s Office does not set or collect property taxes. If you have questions about the proposed tax rates, the contact information and public hearing dates for the individual taxing authorities are listed to the right of each agency name on the TRIM Notice.
I Recently Applied for Homestead Exemption–Why Is It Not Showing on My TRIM Notice?
Florida Statutes require our office use January 1 as the date of assessment and to determine exemption eligibility each year. If you purchased your home after January 1, 2023, you are eligible for 2024 Homestead Exemption. The 2024 exemptions will show online in December and be included for the 2024 tax year.
I Had Homestead Exemption Last Year – Where Did My Exemptions Go This Year?
If you purchased your home in 2022, you may have “inherited” the previous owner’s exemptions last year. These 2022 exemptions were removed at the end of 2022, so are no longer showing on your TRIM Notice for tax year 2023. Fortunately, you can still late file for 2023 Homestead and any other exemptions you may qualify for until September 18, 2023. To apply online, please visit our website at https://web.bcpa.net/bcpaclient/#/Homestead or scan the QR code below.
I Am a Senior Citizen – Why Isn’t the Senior Exemption Showing?
The Senior Exemption is both an age and income-based exemption that is not automatically applied to a property because of the income requirement. To be eligible for this exemption, an applicant must be age 65 or older as of January 1, 2023 and have an adjusted household gross income for 2022 not exceeding $35,167. If you believe you qualify for this additional exemption, you can still late file until September 18, 2023. To review the exemption requirements and to apply for this exemption, please go to our website at https://web.bcpa.net/bcpaclient/#/SeniorExemption
If my office can ever be of assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at martykiar@bcpa.net.
Take care,
Marty Kiar, CFA