- Records the official minutes of Town Council meetings
- Prepares the Town Council meeting agendas
- Processes, records, files and advertises ordinances, resolutions and notices
- Responsible for filling Public Records Requests
- Maintains custody of the official Town Seal
- Attests official documents and contracts
- Serves as the Town’s liaison with the Supervisor of Elections office; Serves as the Town Qualifying Officer for candidates running for election
- Prepares and maintains custody of all official Town records and files
- Prepares and maintains the record index system, oversees records management, retention and destruction in accordance with state regulations
- Coordinates all Town procurements and provides contract management services; Processes, records, files and advertises bids for municipal projects
- Maintains and updates the Town’s website; Uploads the Town Council agendas to the Town’s website for public review prior to the meeting
- Advertises, records, and files the municipal budget
- Supervises reception/front office management policy

Please be advised that under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone at (954) 434-0008, or in writing at 13400 Griffin Road, Southwest Ranches, FL 33330.